My latest Planet S column is up. It highlights the arrival of boutique beer stores in Saskatoon and Regina, meaning that Saskatchewan residents will now finally get access to some quality craft beer. It is a mini-form of privatization, where each city is allowed one boutique store (Cava Secreta in Saskatoon, Willow Park in Regina) and they agree to a non-compete arrangement with the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA), meaning they will only stock beer not available in SLGA stores, and the SLGA will not stock the boutique listings for at least two years.
The good news, clearly, is that it has and will expand the list of craft beer available in Saskatchewan, which is always a good thing. I do personally wonder why the SLGA couldn’t have embarked on this initiative themselves, rather than privatize, but I recognize that is an issue of some controversy and the the current Sask Party government is politically disposed towards a private option.
The article also goes into some detail of Cava Secreta’s approach and plans. You can read it here.
May 26, 2010 at 4:28 PM
Hi Jason:
I’ve been a faithful follower of your written word both in Edmonton and now in Saskatoon. I really appreciate your well researched and explained “beer nuances” as well as your reviews of beers that are new to me.
I see in this article as well as the comments above that you are “unkindly disposed” to the privatization of the liquor market, at least in the manner it was done in Alberta. I grew up in Calgary and left for the NWT in 1988 (just before the ALCB was privatized). I returned to Edmonton in 1997, then moved to Saskatchewan 10 years later. In short, I’ve lived under a variety of liquor sales regimes and experienced a number of others across this country and off-shore.
All have advantages and disadvantages; proponents and detractors. I am interested in your stand in particular. I am most curious about your reasoning, given your push for product selection, availability and your support of smaller brewers (which I presume could also be extended to vintners and distillers?), that you object to Alberta’s system.
Keep up the good work; I’ll fill you in on my thought processes a little later, if you’d like.
Cheers, JT
May 27, 2010 at 12:12 AM
Thanks for the question. My position is quite developed, and I promise to offer a full disclosure on it sometime soon. I will make a post of it. I don’t want to do it an injustice by trying to summarize in a comment. So, please bear with me.
June 4, 2010 at 1:01 PM
Thx Jason. Sounds/ looks like you’ve been pretty busy lately, in a good way.
Will you be able to travel to Montréal this week (Le Mondial de la bière/Beer Festival June 2-6)?
I look forward to your post…
Cheers, JT
June 4, 2010 at 6:31 PM
Sadly, I will not make it to Mondial. I blew my travel budget in February on my trip to Montreal. One of these years I will make it out for that killer event.